Cattle Embryo Transplants, In-Vivo, IVF and International Embryo Sales
* Bovine embryo transplant * Production of embryos for sale and/or export purposes * Flushing, embryo collection, cryopreservation and processing.

Yum Big Prime is free by parentage of all known Wagyu genetic defects. He is ultra-elite in the Australian system for Marble Score EBV and Marble Fineness EBV, elite for F1 Terminal Index and Fullblood Terminal Index and superior for Gestation Length EBV, Birth Weight EBV and Self Replacing Index and better than breed average for Eye Muscle Are EBV and Wagyu Breeder Index.
Line bred to the famous foundation Wagyu carcass sire WKS Michifuku from a grandam sired by Itoshigenami, this EBV superstar offers a pedigree that displays 62,6% Tajima; 17% Itozakura; 7.4% Shimane; 2.9% Okayama; .8% Tottori and .4% Kedaka bloodlines.

OKB Cabassi Manifesto V1 was sired by Kikutsurudoi TF146 who has the very rare Tanifukudoi lineage in his pedigree.
Tested to carry the most favorable alleles AA in the SCD gene test.
Manifesto has been tested free from the 5 known genetic recessive disorders in Wagyu cattle.

ETJ002 Itomoritaka J2703 (FB681) another strong, sizable Japanese black Wagyu. In addition to his size, this bull has great potential for marbling and for producing premium calves.
Itomoritaka was sired by Itohirashige (FB680), and his dam was Dai 6 Oefujii J565554-Kuro Koh (FB679).
Itomoritaka, also known as “Rocky,” has the highest milk EBV in the Australian breed plan (also high in the United States). This means that any daughters he sires will have the best possible milk production once they’re dams.

World K’s Michifuku (FB 1615) was formerly the top marbling bull, according to the Wagyu sire summary. His sire is Monjiro 11550, and his dam is Michiko J655635.
Michifuku’s sire produced a carcass that sold for $21,000 at the 2007 All-Japan Wagyu competition (Zenkoku). Some believe that Michifuku is the most influential bull that ever left Japan and came to the U.S.
Michifuku calves are thick with outstanding marbling, and the Wagyu cattle have pleasant dispositions. Most major herds in the U.S. and Australia have used this bull quite a bit, and Michifuku has kept the Wagyu herd alive with his many calves.
(ETJ 001) J2351

Hirashigetayasu (ETJ 001) J2351 was sired by Dai 20 Hirashige J287. Hirashigetayasu’s Kedaka lineage shows strong propensity for growth and balance with a larger frame. Females have very good maternal traits and milk very well. Carcasses from his offspring consistently grade on the high end but the marbling has a tendency to be moderately course.
ETJ001 Hirashigetayasu J2351 (FB670) has all three of the Westholme original import bulls in his pedigree (Kedaka, Fujiyoshi, and Tajima). He was sired by Dai 20 Hirashige J287, and his dam is Dai 5 Yuruhime.

Mym arubial anticipated q0014 is a Maternal brother to BOND 007. He excels with top 1% EMA, top 2% Marbling and top 4% Marbling Fineness EBVs
All indexes in top 1% of the breed! He is Only one of two Wagyu sires that are in the top 5% for GL, EMA and Marbling and he does it so easily.
Anticipated is an Ideal sire for beef on beef plus a great beef on dairy option, early calving, hybrid growth with power carcass traits. He’s a go to Wagyu heifer carcass bull option as A global international sire including the EU