Cattle Embryo Transplants, In-Vivo, IVF and International Embryo Sales
* Bovine embryo transplant * Production of embryos for sale and/or export purposes * Flushing, embryo collection, cryopreservation and processing.

Coleman Glacier 041 offers an outstanding genetic and visual package representing everything in an ideal Angus bull. His herd bull look and presence, along with his pedigree, is exactly what the industry is looking for.
He has explosive growth with exceptional weaning and yearling numbers compiled with his maternal genetics that rank him highly in the breed for $M. V

LD Capitalist 316 is a calving ease bull that is phenotypically phenomenal! Heavy muscled, bold ribbed and super sound footed – he couples extreme calving ease with performance and power. Back to the Dixie Erica cow family on the bottom side, Capitalist 316 brings more maternal predictability to the table than his sire. Here is a bull to inject muscle, substance and shape with balanced. Deep, wide-based, strong topped, big muscle are all words that describe 316. He has very good feet and legs and a very quiet nature. 316 ranks in the top 20% or better for 9 breed leading traits including CED, BW, WW, YW, CEM, Milk, CW, $W and $F.

Merit Investment 1054J was the high selling bull at the Merit Bull Sale for $85,000 in a hotly contested battle. His dam has done so much for the industry already with many top sellers for many folks.

Evaluated by many astute cowmen as one of the most complete, fault-free bulls the breed has ever produced, Judgement was selected by a diverse and visionary set of breeders as the $180,000 record-selling bull of the 2022 Montana Maternal Revival Sale. A revolutionary sire for type, maternal excellence, feed efficiency, fertility and cow longevity – the real-world profit drivers for ranchers, Judgement excels for growth relative to mature size, and gain relative to consumption.
Dominant in his muscle shape, with a huge top and expressive quarter, combined with a chiseled stifle, Judgement exhibited early sexual maturity with a beautiful crest, robust scrotal and a slick, shiny haircoat. A three-dimensional stud whose massive volume, base width and length sets a new standard, Judgement is ideal in his hoof design and travels with a long, effortless stride.

Coleman Resource 708 is a true "Cattleman's Kind" of Angus bull. He is loaded with muscle, and dimension, along with tremendous body, and perfect feet, and comes at you in an eye appealing package. Coleman Resource 708 has done it the old fashion way, in the breeding pasture. His daughters have beautiful udders, perfect feet, and wean off heavy calves.
He is by the Pathfinder Sire who has carried on the Rito linage and back to a daughter of Coleman Manning 0299 and back to the $93,000 valued past top-selling Coleman Donna 005. He is a great grandson of the $200,000 valued Coleman Donna 386.

Reckoning was the reigning Intermediate Angus Champion at both the 2021 OKC Cattlemen's Congress & 2020 NAILE! His dam was an extremely successful multiple-time champion at all levels and is now producing breed changers. Reckoning is extremely up-headed & clean fronted with cool neck extension! He possesses ultra-flexible joints with desirable body depth, dimension and muscle shape. Hair quality is a BONUS too. His sire, Believe, is one of Canada's highly valuable sires of recent times.
Reckoning is not only a bull to improve show quality, but is a great choice to improve herds of all types with his tremendous breed character, testicle shape, joint & foot quality, and overall excellent phenotype!

•The single most talked about bull of the Spring 2022 sales season, CRAFTSMAN was the $500,000 record setting high seller at Connealy’s sale!
•CRAFTSMAN posted very impressive performance ratios of 120@WW, 119@YW, 154@IMF and 107@RE in a large contemporary group
•Sired by Sitz Resilient out of an impressive young Niobrara daughter, CRAFTSMAN’s physical presence and breed character add to his overall package. He is striking though his front 1/3 and offers great length and shape down his top with combined with excellent structural integrity.
•Highly sought after for his combination of $M and $C, along with the parts that compile those indexes. Mating options and directions are endless with CRAFTSMAN!

The newest herd bull in the Coleman program that was selected as the $165,000 top-selling bull with Conley Cattle of Sulphur, Oklahoma from the Cattleman's Cut Sale in Nebraska. He is a heifer bull with added performance and is the highest $C son of Sitz Resilient 10208 in the breed and ranks in the top 1% for $M. He has an outcross pedigree with tremendous phenotype. His mother is a tremendous producer with six head at 103 on weaning and a calving interval of 347 on six head and stems from a long line of productive Georgina females, that have longevity.

Three Rivers was the Ellingson Angus lead-off bull in 2019 and he continues to hold many performance records, including the breed's no. 1 spot for weaning and yearling performance. He sires big bodied, stout made, high performing cattle. His first sons were a highlight of the 2021 Ellingson Angus Sale. He displays tremendous power and mass packed into a bold-middled, sharp fronted package. Combines phenotypic prominence, outstanding performance and maternal heritage into one package.

Here's the fresh pedigree growth and performance sire the breed has been seeking. Barricade is unmatched in his depth of body, muscle shape and power combined with outstanding growth figures.
One of the most exciting parts is his maternal performance. He ranks among the best in the breed for $M,HP,CLAW and ANGLE. Look for him to sire those easy-fleshing daughters that breed up quickly and last for many years in your herd.

Sitz Stellar 726D is one of the most prolific sires in the history of Sitz Angus. He was the 2017 Sitz Angus Sale Topper. With big time calving ease and performance, combining a 62 pound birth weight with a 900+ pound weaning weight.
Stellar has an outstanding maternal pedigree and design with a breed leading $Weaning Index. He is a super thick topped and deep sided bull that only improved his power house phenotype while breeding cows as a yearling.

Colburn Primo 5153: Primo is the awesome new sire raised by Colburn Cattle Co, CA. He's a product of one of Style's most decorated daughters and the amazing Dameron First Class! His maternal granddam is Silveiras famous donor, Saras Dream! Primo's full sister's are some of the most dominating show heifers on the circuit! Trust these genetics to take you to the next level at the show ring with balanced EPDs.

SAV President 6847 was the world record and top-selling bull of the 2017 SAV sale at $750,000 with a total valuation of $938,500.
Incredible in his structure and powerful in his design, we believe President is the best Charlo son out of the No. 1 income producing cow in SAV history, SAV Blackcap May 4136. To date, she has produced over $10 million dollars in progeny sales.
Thick and efficient, President is the future of performance Angus genetics.

The excitement continues to build around Crackerjack as his first calves hit the ground small, but with superior vigor and growth. They're jet black, stylish and massive just like their sire.
Musgrave's identified Crackerjack early as the next step forward in their breeding program for his powerful yet proud look, structure and balanced genetic predictions. His productive dam has power, substance and complimentary femininity, with incredible udder quality and excellent feet.
Crackerjack is pleasing many for his excellent feet, large scrotal development and extra muscle expression. We believe Crackerjack has as much scope and future as any young sire in the A.I. industry.

Ranked Number 4 among all Angus sires for progeny registered in the 2018 fiscal year of the American Angus Association after ranking Number 6 in 2017. Even though demand has been much larger than the amount of semen available for several years, this high volume, easy fleshing individual is one of the bulls that cattlemen admire at ORIgen and one of the highest demand sires in the decade.
With more than 30 different sons that topped bull sales across the nation in the spring of 2018, few calving-ease bulls in Angus history have ever offered the extreme body mass and depth of body that is a trademark of Payweight 1682 and his progeny, in combination with elite growth values and a look that appeals to both purebred and commercial cattlemen.

Firebrand was the top selling bull at the 2017 Brooking Angus Sale, SK where they proclaimed he's a milestone breeding achievement, blending abundance of thickness, testicle development, muscle and dimension with a unique, clean, erect front third, based on a great set of feet and legs. Fantastic females are included on both sides of the pedigree to bolster Firebrand's appeal as a tremendous breeding piece!
Firebrand is supported by cow family strength on both sides of his pedigree. His sire’s dam EA Rose 918 is what an Angus cow should look like. Firebrand’s dam, Brooking Annie K 390, is a moderate framed female that is very angular fronted and has a beautiful udder. Firebrand is a sire to tie on to.

A moderate, good footed & balanced calving ease bull with impressive WW & YW numbers. Tiger will transmit a lot of muscle shape and overall body mass with a pleasing profile along with being easy fleshing.
Tiger was probably the winningest Bull in Canadian Angus history. Along with all his accomplishments he was overall Champion at the World Angus Forum. He also had a son sell for $92,000 at the Hamilton sale. His sons are thick and correct.

Deep in his rib cage and thick across his rump, this eye appealing son of a past Connealy top-selling yearling had a birth weight of 70 pounds and an adjusted 205 day weight of 986 pounds for a weaning ratio of 125 as highest weaning weight bull in his ET contemporary group and he scanned an adjusted URE measure of 17.1 square inches.
With an exceptional genomic profile that adds accuracy and predictability to his exceptional genomic-enhanced EPD profile, his dam who has an average progeny %IMF ratio of 9 at 102 and an average progeny URE ratio of 9 at 105, was produced by a full sister to the $110,000 S A V Resource 1441 and his third dam is the all-time highest income producing donor in the S A V program and among the top of the entire Angus breed.

S A V Final Answer 0035 produces moderate, efficient replacement females. Over 100 Split Diamond calves have been sired by Final Answer. Produced some top selling sons in Split Diamond bull sales: SD Final Answer 3073 sold for $10,500 in 2014. SD Final Answer 3004 sold for $10,250 in 2014. SD Final Answer 3072 sold for $8,500 in 2014.

Vin-Mar O’Reilly is an extremely unique combination of flawless phenotype and structure. This bull is as big boned, thick made, and sound. O’Reilly Factor was the most phenotypically imposing Angus bull shown at the 2011 NWSS that combined calving ease EPDs with and extraordinary growth. Many cattlemen admired the extra bone, body, style, and muscle shape that he possesses. He’s an easy fleshing bull like his sire Final Answer, as balanced as the come and easy to look at.

Rainfall is a standout from a landmark flush at Schaff's Angus Valley with credentials to write a whole new chapter in Angus history. He combines dominating phenotype, superior confirmation and outlier thickness, muscle shape, capacity and pounds, while blending a fresh pedigree, proven outcross calving ease genetics and the greatest maternal cow in the Angus breed.
He sires added length, soundness and unmistakable herd bull presence in his sons. His daughters are stunning in an elegant maternal package. He sets himself apart with his dominating hip and rear-leg structure with muscle shape and flawless phenotype.
A $Weaning leader that offers strong MARB and REA predictions in an easy fleshing, big-bodied, good footed design. He brings Calving Ease, maternal strength and performance together - fundamental elements to build from.
Poss Maverick is one of the most popular Angus sires all across the globe. The Maverick progeny have surpassed expectations in terms of elite phenotype and carrying on his incredible EPD profile. Bold outlined and imposing 3 dimensional body composition rarely found in such a high marbling sire. The ability of backing up the genomic power with scale crushing data is what makes Maverick so unique. Maverick’s elite combination of $B, Marb, and phenotype make him a must use sire. He is the #1 $B son of Basin Payweight 1682 and his first progeny are excelling in genomic scores and topping sales.
S A V 004 DENSITY 4336

Density 4336 has made his mark as one of the most influential maternal sires in the Angus breed. He is unmatched for his ability to consistently stamp his feminine heavy milking daughters with impeccable udder quality, broodiness, and maternal function. They are moderate framed efficient cows with superior production capabilities.
Density is a cow maker deluxe, his daughters are rising to the top at ranches across Canada and the USA. His sons are in demand due to their depth of body, muscle expression and they are correctly structured. He has been used worldwide on cows of all body types due to his consistent siring pattern.

Top 1% of the breed for: Weaning Weight, Yearling Weight, Total Maternal, REA and Carcass Weight Top 2% for Scrotal circumference Resource is one of the most iconic bulls in the breed; Resource is the most popular sire in the Genex lineup due to his ability to sire growth, carcass merit and maternal ability in a desirable package.
Resource brings to the table the basics of efficiency and natural fleshing ability, with thickness, muscle, masculinity, superb structure, feet quality and authentic breed character.
Resource sons have unprecedented performance and industry appeal, while his daughters are making superb brood cows with high quality udders and abundant milk.
Reg #: 2099027
Tattoo: IMP 8362F
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire.

This absolute no holes Angus Beef bull, South Point, is a one of a kind record breaking sire. Starting his career winning the CANADIAN WESTERN AGRIBITION on Thanksgiving Day, then shortly after making the long trip to Denver, Colorado to get slapped the 2020 NATIONAL WESTERN Grand Champion Angus Bull. This is calving ease must-use who nearly doubles his sire's Milk EPD plus has a positive scrotal EPD. 8362's dam is one of the most productive donors in the nation. Conley South Point 8362 brings a tremendous amount of value to the table!

Produced by the $125,000 pick of the Connealy Angus females. With an uncanny ability to consistently transmit incredible base width, muscle and tons of look, Atlantis combines two of the most prepotent dams in the breed for maternal productivity and predictability. Used extensively on heifers, Atlantis is proven heifer-safe, while maintaining exceptional pre-weaning performance.
Atlantis combines a top 1% $Maternal value index with a top 1% Docility score EPD, ranking top 5% for Rib Eye area measure EPD, $Weaned calf value index and percent Heifer Pregnancy EPD along with an elite EPD value for Claw set EPD.

Poss Deadwood has captured the attention of the breed since he was at the side of his dam. Few bulls have generated the across country allure like he has. A-typical with length of body and extension for a Maverick son, Deadwood looks to bring muscle and top shelf end product merit with calving ease. His pedigree can be used on nearly any genetic base. Of his contemporaries, in this league of elite EPD’s, we feel he has the best opportunity, via pedigree and his own performance to sire cattle that can meet his EPD profile.

JL Homegrown 0131 was the $71,000 high seller at the Final JL Bull Sale. He is a big-time bull with great figures, fantastic length, an incredible head and body shape with mass. Homegrown sons and daughters are impressive.
This bull's progeny will calve easy, grow rapidly and have an amazing end result.
EPD's CE 3.0 | BW 2.9 | WW 72 | YW 139 | MILK 28

Duff Real Deal was the top selling bull through the 2021 Power Plus Bull Sale, ranked top 1% for DMI and $EN, along with an extra shot of power and style, with real maternal built in genetically. Perfectly emulates his name, he is a striking individual with abundant muscle, rib shape, and eye appeal all his own.
Real Deal’s dam, Duff 3570, is out of the well-known female sire GCC Total Recall 806T. She represents the exact type of Angus female we strive to breed. 3570 is ultra-feminine, eye appealing, fertile, and productive.
Reg #: 18983584
Tattoo: 16250
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire.

Duff JC For Real will add muscle, length of body, style, and massive rib shape. His daughters are super feminine with a ton of capacity. His sons are powerful, very masculine, loaded with rib and body.
Proven producer of in-demand offspring, sire of the top-selling Angus bull of the 2021 Power Plus Bull Sale for 90,000 Duff Real Deal. Sire of the top-selling Angus Female of the 2021 Holiday Kickoff Sale for $50,000.

OCC Legacy 839L is one of the greatest sons of OCC Echelon 857E. He is the most phenotypically correct bull we’ve ever seen, and is especially athletic and masculine.
Legacy 839L is a rare natural calf out of the great OCC Dixie Erica 960E who is also the mother of OCC Hunter and OCC Kansas and has been an embryo donor for Ohlde Cattle Company. 839L sires exceptional muscle and beautiful daughters.
839L is the father of Hillfire Legacy 518R herd-sire, who had extremely good muscling and disposition, was a terrific breeder, and had very strong hormonal balance, just as a good bull must.
Reg #: 19416968
Tattoo: 9513
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire.

Rawhide’s early progeny data are excellent, with consistent reports of superior calving ease, growth, and Angus character. He has over 200 BW records ratioing 99 and over 100 WW records ratioing 102. He combines elite levels of performance with disciplined stature and mature size projections. Rawhide possesses outstanding genetic and physical quality that can leave a lasting impact.
Reg #: AAA18944889
Tattoo: 7077
Embryos available:
Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire (Female sexed semen)

Blacklist needs no introduction as his progeny have solidified his greatness as a prepotent sire of elite show ring structure and style. The success of Blacklist across multiple breeds in 2021 was simply amazing. He sired major champions in at least four different breeds and his sexed semen fertility is hard to rival.
Blacklist is a sire admired by all for his unique combination of performance and presence. Backed by one of PVF’s top donors, and a famously known granddam, Blacklist is the product of power. Blacklist ties together stoutness, tremendous rib shape, balance and athleticism into an eccentric package unlike any we’ve seen before. He struts a rare, sleek style while possessing the soggy made, barrel body true to the Angus breed.
Reg #: AAA18836115
Tattoo: 700748
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire.

If you seek a big-time performance sire out of maternal cow family, Declaration fits the bill. He will add stature and performance to most cattle, with his 103 progeny ratio for WW and YW. His Thunderbird x Image Maker donor dam has a beautiful udder and broody Angus look.

Square B True North is a phenotypic standout with an unbeatable maternal data package. Top 1% $Maternal index backed by strong Docility, Foot Quality and Heifer Pregnancy EPDs combined with reduced mature size. • A fan favorite on display at the National Western and at ORIgen - wide based and stout made bull with excellent muscle shape and substance. Maternal brother to Confidence Plus that offers one of the most versatile and broadly appealing packages seen in many years.
Reg #: AAA15513367
Tattoo: 9122
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire.

Connealy Consensus 7229 is the cowman's kind of bull. He is a high performing bull with a practical build and maintains a good look. Consensus provides moderate birth weights with the added bonus of incomparable performance, ranking in the top percentiles of the breed for multiple traits. He sold for $210,000 and is the all-time high selling bull in the history of the Connelly Angus program. The powerful dam of Consensus 7229 blends the Pathfinder Sire, Admiral 77K and Timeline with a Pathfinder third dam.
Reg #: AAA15109865
Tattoo: 5682
Embryos available:
Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire (Female Sexed)

SAV Bismarck 5682 is the popular and proven outcross, calving-ease sire who stamps his progeny with exceptional muscle shape, volume and style.He has led the breed in annual registrations and continues to be one of the most heavily used sires
in the industry.Bismarck has sired many top-selling progeny throughout the breed and his herd sire sons include Brilliance,
Bruiser, Brand Name, Birthstone, Beacon, Blacksmith, and West River.Bismarck daughters have made beautiful, moderate, docile cows with superb udder quality and optimum milk.Bismarck encompasses all areas vital to mainstream beef production,
from calving-ease, to carcass, to making great cows.His impact in the Angus breed is monumental!

OCC Tremendous was the $28,000 1/2 interest, high selling bull and overwhelming favorite of the 2008 OCC Bull Sale. He is a true heifer bull, combining outstanding calving ease with consistent low birth weight.
Tremendous is siring the easy fleshing, deep bodied, moderate framed, low input, forage efficient kind. His sons look the part and his daughters are phenomenal.
Tremendous is a full brother in blood to OCC Kanga, the powerhouse sire of OCC Prototype. His Anchor dam, 960H, is one of the top cows at OCC and his granddam is the productive full sister to OCC Great Plains.

Growth Fund defies the odds in terms of genetic merit. His impeccable EPD profile provides modest Calving Ease with off the chart growth and end product values. He ranks among the Angus breed’s most elite 1 percent for WW, YW, CW, $W, $F and $B. His powerful dam is backed by the Select Sires cornerstone sires of WEIGH UP and 5050 and his third dam is the legendary 614 female. Angus royalty that have proven to add performance and value year after year.
It’s rare to find a bull that captures one’s eye on paper and in the pasture. GROWTH FUND is a structurally sound, moderate-framed bull with a powerful hip and rear leg. He exhibits extra neck extension, a smooth shoulder and is wide topped and wide-based with muscle expression and depth of body.

The $250,000 top seller from the 2020 SAV sale and one of the most exciting upcoming bulls in the breed. He combines the most dominant and valuable maternal lines at SAV with Blackcap May 4136 and Emblynette 2369. Bloodline has awestruck all who have seen him with his massive dimension, soundness, and herdbull charisma.

One Nation is the impressive President son from the 2020 SAV sale where he was selected for his completeness and built in cow power with calving ease credentials. The Emblynette cow family need little introduction and his dam is beautiful Bismarck daughter with a perfect udder and is both the lowest birth and third highest milk cow in the entire SAV herd. With President now a proven sire in demand, here is a standout son that comes in a lower birth package and stacks more of the breed's best cow families into the pedigree. In the Canadian database, One Nation is in the top 5% for CED and top 10% for BW, he maintains a YW EPD in the top 6%. Here is a multi-purpose sire backed by the best females in the breed.

Magnum commanded attention of breeders long before he walked through the sale ring, and is being used by SAV as the next step in their program.
This fresh pedigree blends nine Pathfinders in his three-generation pedigree and offers unique mating flexibility.
His feminine, efficient, 3-year-old dam exudes udder quality and possesses perfect feet.
Expect Magnum to boost performance in a real world, attractive package.

KG Justified has gained the admiration of cattlemen worldwide as a sire of body mass, muscle, foot and udder quality and phenotypic power. As impressive as his sons are Justified’s greatest attribute is likely his broody, easy-keeping, highly productive daughters. He is definitely an udder improver. The daughters have tight, balanced udders with excellent teat size and plenty of milk.
Justified 3023 offers a unique combination of calving ease, sustainable growth and carcass quality combined with docility and heifer pregnancy making him a true genetic breed leader. He offers breed-leading Claw, Angle, $M and $W with outcross opportunities. His ability to transmit a superior phenotype with strong genetic data offers high profit potential for all cattlemen.

The product of disciplined, laser focused breeding, Fair-N-Square is built by maternal excellence, longevity and genuine Angus quality. His Thunder dam is backed by power and productivity from a Myers foundation female who bred first-service A.I. 11 consecutive years.
Fair-N-Square is unique for his balanced length and depth of body, with impressive volume, performance and quality you'd expect from the Myers program. Displaying both Foot EPDs in the Top 1%, and a host of other traits hitting breed optimums, Fair-N-Square will mitigate foot issues and propel your program forward for $Combined traits.

Square B True North is a phenotypic standout with an unbeatable maternal data package. Top 1% $Maternal index backed by strong Docility, Foot Quality and Heifer Pregnancy EPDs combined with reduced mature size.
A fan favorite on display at the National Western and at ORIgen - wide based and stout made bull with excellent muscle shape and substance. Maternal brother to Confidence Plus that offers one of the most versatile and broadly appealing packages seen in many years.
Reg: AAA +*19249580
Tattoo: 8018
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire.

SAV America 8018 is our $1,887,500 valuation all-time, top-selling, world-record son of President. He literally shattered every record including the all-time record at Schaff Angus Valley for 205-day weight at 1107 pounds and the most money ever paid for a bull in history, selling for 80% semen interest at 1.51 million dollars. He is a "one of a kind" breeding piece, resulting from the last embryo produced out of the legendary SAV Madame Pride 0075, who has produced over $5.5 million dollars in progeny sales to date. America is truly unique.

Cash took the 2012 spring bull sale season by storm when he sold 1/3 interest for $108,000.00, making Cash the highest selling bull ever produced in the productive Barstow Angus program. Produced by a beautiful first calf heifer who weaned him at at 113 ratio. Cash went on to earn a yearling ratio of 112 and scan with an adj. RE of 18.0 sq. in.
Cash is an exciting new calving-ease sire that possesses a flawless genetic tabulation with a 64 lb. actual birth weight and strong growth, carcass, and $B values. Cash is a sensibly-sized bull that is massive in his design with incredible body volume and shape, thickness, and muscle mass throughout. TOP 1% of the Breed for WW, YW and SC

Bravo just broke the record for the State of Montana when the gavel fell at $450,000 for 1/2 interest to Sandford Ranches in Greenwood, Texas.
Bravo is a combination of 2 great cow families from Coleman Angus.
Use Bravo with confidence to add extra muscle, depth and maternal
qualities to your herd while adding excellent eye appeal. He is the next generation standard for forage-based efficiency-moderate framed, easy fleshing and a rare combination of calving ease, positive $EN and top 10% $W. He's backed by three generations of powerhouse dams-all wrapped up in a structurally sound, prolific, eye-appealing package.

Coleman Resolve 7219 is huge footed and very extended through his front one third. Resolve is a very impressive bull, pretty hard to fault. He is loaded with pure power, great structure, plenty of rib, body, and bone.
With none other than Coleman Donna 714 as his dam, and SAV Renown 3439 as his sire this makes him as solid as they come. Coleman Resolve is the full brother to ZWT Summit and has more mass and rib than his brother.

Motive is impressive in his phenotype and muscle expression and unmatched eye appeal. He has been proven to be a low birth weight, along with a solid EPD profile. He was the top-selling lot in the 2010 Bases Loaded sale where half interest sold for $55,000. Motive was the lead-off bull of the 2010 NWSS Champion Pen of Three bulls.
Motive offspring is in high demand. Reports of progeny sales for, $83,000, $60,000, 44,000, $34,000, $25,000, $23,000, $22,000, $19,000, $19,000, $16,000, $15,000 and many other five figure individuals across Canada and the USA.
Reg #: 1870323
Tattoo: JSTN 12C
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire.

Silver Lining clamed victory as the first "All Breeds Semex's President's Classic Champion" at Agribition 2015. Silver Lining "did it again", he was the "Reserved Champion Bull" at Agribition 2016. Silver Lining has structural integrity and carries that maternal presence the is rare to achieve. His dam is an attractive and high phenotype cow raising high sealers females as well. He is a moderate framed bull with a clean front end, deep body with much power and mass.
Reg #: 1952446
Tattoo: IMP 1535C
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire.

The $136,000 top bull of the 2016 Musgrave sale. Elite performance and individual quality from one of their all-time greatest females. He is a stand out performance bull that uniquely combines stoutness, base width, and muscle with depth of fore rib, phenotype, and eye appeal second to none. From the ground up Sky High has superior structural soundness and hoof quality. Individually he earned weaning and yearling ratios of 114 in a contemporary group of 91 head. His remarkable dam has earned a NR of 3@109 and BW ratio of 3@101. We are highly anticipating what Sky High has to offer.
Reg #: 1776488
Tattoo: JSTN 40B
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire.

The wait is over, BANK NOTE 4040 is the $125,000 phenom that we have all been waiting for. He is the performance bull that is stacked with maternal strength to increase value in both his sons and daughters. BANK NOTE 4040 is currently in the top 25% in 7 different categories and is in the top 1% for WW, YW, $F and $W, 2% for RADG, and top 20% for $B. His dam is the ideal Angus female that is impossible to fault, and she has shown her breeding potential through BANK NOTE and his maternal sister, Rose 1019. BANK NOTE daughters should be perfect uddered, moderate framed, easy doing, high volume and very complete made.
From the ground up, BANK NOTE is an impressively sound individual that will add extra muscle, stoutness, and rib capacity in a very attractive package. He has won many banners in the show ring, but his true value will be as a big-time producer for years to come.
Reg #: 1481377
Tattoo: IMP 7301T
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire.

Pioneer’s legacy continues thanks to his outstanding daughters. Use Pioneer on cows to create wedge-shaped, deep-bodied, slick-haired females with tremendous udder quality.
Reg #: 1309743
Tattoo: IMP 4200P
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire.

Net Worth, one of the exponents of the breed in the USA and also in Brazil, being one of the leading American bulls.
In addition to enviable characteristics of carcass, meat conformation and muscularity, as shown in their evaluation indexes, Net Worth has been used in registered herds appearing on the slopes with great prominence by the phenotype that prints on its progeny.
Its progeny presents excellent weight gain indexes at weaning and year, excellent economic indexes, especially with moderate frame.