Cattle Embryo Transplants, In-Vivo, IVF and International Embryo Sales
* Bovine embryo transplant * Production of embryos for sale and/or export purposes * Flushing, embryo collection, cryopreservation and processing​
Pie Hollywood is the world record selling Red Angus bull from the spring 2023 bull sale season, selling for $400,000 valuation. His record setting appraisal is the result of his combination of curve bending calving ease and growth, breed leading carcass, captivating phenotype and is backed by the renown Abigrace cow family. We were not drawn to the bull by his outstanding numbers, but they are off the charts. We appreciate Hollywood for his massive phenotype and you couldn’t put a better foot on a Red Angus bull.
RREDS Common Sense G933 has all the mass and body of his sire. He is one of the most universal and complete bulls produced by Rhodes Red Angus. His mother is a coming 5 year old Code Red that hasn’t missed. The Code red daughters have a way of raising high sellers.
Common Sense is one of the stoutest Seneca sons produced. If you are looking for the same body design as Seneca but want a bit more frame, Common Sense is a great choice. Great Angus character with high testosterone and athleticism.
RREDS Common Sense G933 has all the mass and body of his sire. He is one of the most universal and complete bulls produced by Rhodes Red Angus. His mother is a coming 5 year old Code Red that hasn’t missed. The Code red daughters have a way of raising high sellers.
Common Sense is one of the stoutest Seneca sons produced. If you are looking for the same body design as Seneca but want a bit more frame, Common Sense is a great choice. Great Angus character with high testosterone and athleticism.
Tycoon comes from the outstanding SSS program and has been used extensively in W Sunrise Angus and Y Coulee programs. He has an impressive profile, proud front and great feet and soundness with an impressive calving ease sire with a hard to fault pedigree. He is a dark red, masculine sire, that carries himself flawlessly in the bull pen. Consistency and phenotype speak for itself.
Red W Sunrise Tycoon 659H
Red Sunrise Tycoon 604H
Red YCLC Tycoon 111G
Silveiras Mission Nexus needs no introduction to prove the impact he has made to Red Angus herds that were able to use him during the short time his semen was available. He has left a long term impact on the females in the Lost Creek herd, producing
females that are angular, feminine with great udders, and a strong hip as they
are producing high quality calves that will stay in the herd. With minimal amounts of semen available to the market, lots like this are far and few between.
Reg# 3503354
Tattoo: 508
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire
Up Front was the phenotypic standout Lot 1 of the 2016 Pieper sale with a masculine build and a herd bull presence. He Offers an outcross pedigree steeped with maternal and performance excellence. Up Front is dark cherry red, demonstrates outstanding disposition and was a prolific pasture breeder. Up Front has the ability to influence the breed with classy daughters that have a durable, power cow look with flawless udders.
Pie Captain 057 has stood out since day one as a favorite with his volume. This bull not only has all the type, body capacity, and the top cow backing him but he was the #1 weaning and #1 yearling weight calf with only a 99 BW ratio and he did it without excessive frame. He stands on ideal feet and legs. Captain also scanned a 5.69 IMF 121 ratio and 15.43 REA 109. It's really hard to find a bull that does so many things right.
Triple crown winning sire Red Eye was named Grand Champion Red Angus bull at the American Royal, North American, and the Annual Cattleman's Congress in 2021.
Red Eye Special has an incredible phenotype, sound as they come, perfect on his feet and legs, loaded with muscle, and best of all his color and striking good looks. His natural rib shape and body depth is as good as any and will be a go to bull in the Red Angus line up.
Copenhagen is the Masterpiece record-setting outcross bull that keeps siring bull and heifer calves that rise to the top. Copenhagen 3Y has 14 sons working in the purebred herds and many more in some of the top commercial programs in the country.
His daughters are impressive as to their type and kind. Copenhagen is very sound and is holding his condition. When dispersed, the Copenhagen daughters were one of the highest selling sire groups in a record setting U2 sale.
Red U2 Anexa 226C
Red U2 Lassie 16A
Red U2 Lassie 399A
Red U2 Dynamo 224A
Red U2 Misty 143A
This Red Angus bull may be just as noble as the ancient redwood trees “Duff Redwood 1941”. What a specimen he is in terms of depth of rib, fleshing ability and overall dimension in a moderate frame. Just like the coastal trees, you truly need to see Redwood for yourself to understand his overall quality and value.
Duff Red Wood 1941 will undoubtedly leave deep roots in the beef industry.
Seneca has proven to be a true-breeding. It’s uncommon to have a bull produce top-notch sons and then come back with remarkable daughters. His performance and muscle allow him to compete with any other cattle in terms of gain while still siring females that are incredibly productive. The females are moderate, easy doing, and are proving to be some of the most productive young cows.
Seneca is a proven bull that possibly is the most prepotent herd sire encountered. Early rapid growth with reduced mature size designing daughters that are built to last in any environment.
Top 55% of the breed for weaning weight
Top 15% of the breed for yearling weight
Top 15% of the breed for scrotal circumference
Top 8% of the breed for carcass weight
Top 35% of the breed for ribeye
Top 3% of the breed for mature weight
Resource daughters at the U2 Dispersal topped at $23,000
30 Open Resource daughters averaged $9,000 at the U2 Dispersal
Resource's influence has been widely accepted across North America
A performance sire in a breed that has done a great job on calving ease and maternal
Red Soo Line Power Eye 161X (#1406779) was the $76,000 bull from the 2015 Mile High Classic Red Angus Auction. He is the most famous son of Red Cockburn Ribeye 308U.
KJHT Power Take Off is a bull who attained national championship status at just nine months of age and continued this trend until his show career ended being crowned National Champion bull in Ft. Worth 2019.
Foreigner was the high seller in 2015 for $73,000. Foreigner was bred to some of the most elite donor and front-end cows and the matings pumped out the most impressive outcross herd bulls to date. He has outbred himself on may prospects and has passed on his super reliable built in calving ease
High selling Red Angus to Six Mile for $46,000 for 1/2 interest. Reckoning progeny are the right kind of cattle with a superior foot quality, added volume and very important- easy to market. The list of high sellers sired by Reckoning is very impressive due to how its progeny works in the real world and show ring.
Reckoning 149A Sons
Duff Reckoning 149A 20136
Duff Reckoning 149A 20169
Duff Reckoning 149A 20137
Reckoning 149A Daughters
Redbox 55C is currently one of the most talked about Red Angus bulls in the breed. His calves display tremendous quality and style, he will be a program leader at Duff’s. His demand and inquiries stretch across the US, Canada and South America. The dam of Redbox is Peltons Miss AJA 0839U and at 11 years of age she is extremely sound and impressive from every angle. She consistently transmits quality and eye appeal. Redbox displays unmatched phenotypic quality and possesses many needed traits to inject into the Red Angus Breed. His body volume, fleshing ease, soundness and style are simply hard to find. Upon inspection Redbox invokes a “wow” from the mouth of all that have seen him. His ability to make his mark as one of the great maternal sires of the breed is imminent.
One of the most unique bulls to come out of Ter-Ron in recent years. Real Deal has everything you are looking for in a herd sire. Depth of body, stoutness, very good footed, structurally correct and has a dark, rich hair coat. Sired by 2009 Canadian National Champion, Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T. His grand dam is the famous Brandy 11C cow.
Senior Bull Calf Champion at WAF in 2009.
Bull Calf Champion and Reserve Champion Bull at the Autumn Angus Legacy in 2009.
Red Round Up Bull Calf Futurity Champion in 2009.
Farm Fair Senior Bull Calf Champion in 2009.
Canadian Western Agribition Senior Bull Calf Champion in 2009.
Canadian National Red Angus Show Bull of the Year in 2009.
Olds Fall Classic Grand Champion Bull in 2010.
Farm Fair International Champion in 2010
Canadian National Red Angus Champion Bull
Top 5 finalist in the Supreme Show of Champions
Canadian Western Agribition Grand Champion in 2010.
Top 10 finalist in the RBC Supreme Show.
Canadian Red Angus Show Bull of the Year in 2010.
Red DKF Razor 55C is a complete outcross to the Red Angus breed. Heavy muscled with an excellent balance and overall eye appeal. Exceptional performance ranking in the top 3% of the breed for YW. Razor has phenomenal carcass traits overall and one of the highest marbling bulls in the breed, ranking in the top 1% of the breed and top 9% REA. First progeny have been very popular amongst breeders looking to increase performance and maintain an attractive phenotype.
"Power in the Blood” is perfectly exemplified by Duff Red Blood 18114. This young sire is truly a unique individual that is evoking generations of Angus history in a dark Red version. Combing the legendary Dixie Erica and Juanada cow families signifies the breed altering capabilities of this new sire. You’ll notice that he is backed by one of the most prolific and highly productive donors in the Angus breed, Juanada 927K. Her impact in our herd and to the beef industry is immeasurable. The 927K daughter that lies on the bottom side of Red Blood’s pedigree is truly impressive from every angle.
Reg #: 1669302
Tattoo: WDV 130Y
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire
Calidad 130Y is an Outcross Red Angus bull with an impressive muscle pattern, moderate frame and easy fleshing traits all in a balanced package.
Herd sires with the ability to combine the power that Red Wheel Creed possesses with exceptional maternal strength in an outcross pedigree are rare to find. Creed has the length of spine, muscle expression, bone and foot size which he transmits into his calves. This bull is backed by an exceptional dam and cow family. Creed's dam, Black Wheel Jestress 1y. is a herd bull producing female. The Jestress cow family is noted for exceptional udders, hoof quality and being big ribbed productive females. A few straws of semen where available during the Pinnacle Sale in 2018, the quest for the very best Red Angus seedstock in Canada may be found. The significance of this great breeding bull is fully demonstrated throughout the pedigree, statistical information and the footnote discussion. This breeding bull, with progeny on the ground, is an opportunity to obtain the influence of one of the most dynamic breeding bulls in the industry today.
Alibi is the first Rioja son in Canada, Another outstanding individual out of a lead donor cow from Shady Knoll Cattle Co. SRA PAINTBUCKET and sired by ROJAS RIOJA 6052. Riojas genetics in in a high demand and very marketable in Canada and across the USA. SRA PAINTBUCKET is none other than P.T.O.'s (Power Take Off) Dam. Semen of this exclusive sire is limited with just a few straws offered for sale during 2020.
Alibi is a stout bull with a clean front end and balanced EPDs
Assassin 624D is a bull that has created quite stir in the Red Angus industry. He is very well balanced, combining low birth, explosive growth, outstanding pheno-type, great EPD’s and from a very prestigious cow family in Canada. Assassin is the first son we sell of our new calving ease herd sire Specialist, Assassins combination of calving ease and exceptional growth are hard to find. Assassins dam is an exceptional young cow and is a maternal sister to Ribeye 308U. She is proving to be a top producer and is destined to be a great donor cow, just like her dam 443P. A maternal sister to Assassin was one of the high-selling bred heifers at the power and perfection sale this past fall at $15,000
Outstanding depth of body and capacity. One and Only is bold and robust in his design yet angular and attractive . He has an exceptional neck extension and look coupled with mass and balance.
Impressive EPD spread from moderate BW to exceptional YW ranking at top 2% of the breed.
Authentic was lot #1 and the high selling bull from the 2014 U-2 Ranch bull sale selling only half interest. His daughters are very deep bodied, moderate size with consistently excellent udders.
Coming In Hot has structural integrity and carries that maternal presence that is rare to achieve. He has a balanced design, added muscle shape, and is level and sound with stout features. He has a clean front end, deep body with much power and mass. His calves display tremendous quality and style, his body volume, fleshing ease, soundness and style are simply hard to find.
Two time Canadian National Grand Champion Bull Two time Canadian Angus Gold Show "Bull of the Year"
2012 Canadian "Grand Champion" Bull
2012 Canadian "Show Bull" of the Year
Farmfair Supreme Champion 2012
If you want to add some outcross genetics, power, volume, soundness, and “Championship Look”, bring Barndance to your herd!
Draft Pick is a high-performance sire that started out with a 60 lb. actual birth weight but went on to ratio 115 at weaning. He combines some of the great cow families of the Red Angus breed, including Jolene, Blockana and Abigrace.
Draft Pick stacks up well for Marbling and Ribeye and is in the top 1% of the breed for the GridMaster index. He puts it all together: calving ease, performance and carcass quality with the phenotype to go with it.
Reg #: 1809453
Tattoo: SIXM 295B
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire
2014 Agribition Red Bull Calf Junior Champion, 2015 Agribition Reserved Grand Champion Bull, 2015 Agribition Red Junior Bull Champion, 2016 Agribition Red Grand Champion Bull and 2016 Agribition Senior Bull Champion. Signature has made his way as one of the most impressive Red Angus sires in North America. His popular progeny have become very successful in the show ring and sales carrying his phenotype and power. His semen is not on the open market. There are not many opportunities out there of adding some exclusive Signature influence to a program.
Reg #: 1282835
Tattoo: HFX 540R
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire.
“Fully Loaded” was something special when he was just a calf. His first appearance was at the Red Round Up Show & Sale in 2005 where he was named the Bull Futurity Champion. Later that fall he was Reserve Champion at Farmfair International and Canadian Western Agribition as just a calf. The excitement he created was amazing leading up to our spring 2006 Get-A-Grip Bull Sale. When the smoke cleared “Fully Loaded” sold for $50,000, for a ½ interest and ½ possession to Six Mile Angus.
In 2007, ½ interest in “FullyLoaded” was sold at Red Round Up, who paid $70,000 for their share of this Red Angus bull. Winning the Red Angus cattle show at Farm Fair International and Canadian Western Agribition in 2007 allowed “Fully Loaded” to qualify for the biggest all-breed Supreme event in Canada at Canadian Western Agribition. He was named the Supreme Champion Bull over all breeds. Not only is this Red Angus bull a champion in the show ring but, a true breeding champion.
The best part about “Fully Loaded” was soon to come; his first calf crop born in 2006. Calves sired by “Fully Loaded” are like no others. They are big-hipped, deep-bodied, long-spined, with loads of hair and lots of style. The first “FullyLoaded” calf was Red Ter-Ron Shocker 186T. He was named 2007 Alberta Futurity Champion at the World Angus Forum show, and then named Champion Bull Calf in the Alberta Angus Association Gold Show held in Olds, Alberta. At Red Round Up 2007 another calf, Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T was named Futurity Champion and Club Red winner.
After being named Champion Red Angus Bull at Farm Fair International 2007, “FullyLoaded” repeated at Agribition and three calves sired by him were also Division winners. Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T was Junior Champion Red Angus Bull, Red Ter-Ron Shocker 186T was Intermediate Champion Bull and Red Ter-Ron Thunder 818T was Senior Champion Bull. Not bad for “Fully Loaded’s” first try!