Cattle Embryo Transplants, In-Vivo, IVF and International Embryo Sales
* Bovine embryo transplant * Production of embryos for sale and/or export purposes * Flushing, embryo collection, cryopreservation and processing

H Deberard 7454 ET is a popular National Champion Polled Hereford bull that is siring great calves. Deberard was named grand champion polled Hereford Bull at the National Western Stock Show. He is a son of the popular UPS Sensation 2296 ET and out of RST GAT NST Y79D LADY 54B ET. In addition to winning Denver, Deberard won the Western Nugget National Hereford Show in Reno and was the high selling bull in Hoffman's 2018 bull sale.
NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET

2012 Denver Supreme Champion and Grand Champion Polled Bull
2010 US National Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion at Denver

The breed's leading high accuracy calving ease bull that excels for both maternal and end product value.
Sensation ranks in the top 15% of the breed for 11 EPDs and Indexes!
Sensation has become the new gold standard for calving ease plus growth and carcass quality!
Reg #: 43764491
Tattoo: 6153
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire

Boyd 31Z Blueprint combines exceptional phenotype with breed-leading genetic predictions all in one impressive package. He is truly one of the most unique bulls to come to the forefront of the breed. His dam was the pick of heifer calves for Boyd Beef Cattle and has become their cornerstone donor. She has an outstanding production record with two at 98 for BW, 116 WW and 114 YW. Blueprint's first progeny are on the ground and possess all the quality you expect. They are big-ribbed square-made calves with an attractive yet productive look.
His semen is available for an embryo mating (this semen is not for sale)
Reg #: C0309750
Tattoo: 79Z49C
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire.

Impressive would be the best way to describe Mighty 49C calves. His bulls are extremely well balanced, heavily muscled and very correct in their structure. His daughters are huge-ribbed, wide-based, attractive cattle that really maintain well on natural range conditions. He has proven to be a GREAT choice for Hutton daughters. His progeny has been in high demand by both seedstock and commercial producers.
His semen is available for an embryo mating (this semen is not for sale)
Reg #: C02969008
Tattoo: 102
Embryos available:
Semen Available for embryo production with one of our donor cows. Please inquire if you would like an embryo mating with this sire.

Senior Champion Bull -2013 Canada- 2014 USA
Senior Champion Bull -2013 Canadian Western Agribition Canada
Champion Horned Senior Bull – 2014 National Western Show Denver USA