Cattle Embryo Transplants, In-Vivo, IVF and International Embryo Sales

Bova-Tech has been pleased to export bovine embryos to the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Portugal, Mongolia, South America, Mexico, Russia, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary.
**As of August 15, 2024, recent changes have occurred with the European Union Trade Union that disqualifies our current embryo stock for export to the EU. Please inquire if you are located in the EU as we do have embryos for sale in Estonia and Bulgaria.
Our accessibility to all the different cattle breeds enables us to draw from a wide genetic pool for our export programs. We work along with some of the most recognized and successful seedstock producers of the industry in marketing embryos from some of the most Elite females of the breed.
BTL works in accordance with International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS) standards, and are fully accredited for production of embryos for export purposes. We are members of, and certified by the Canadian Embryo Transfer Association and IETS.
Cryopreservation (frozen embryos) has been a key factor in the movement of top genetics to and from Canada for years. Bova-Tech has been actively involved in this aspect of embryo transfer for over 25 years and is recognized worldwide.
Please view our catalogue of embryos for sale with a full range of donors and sires from the different breeds.

Ultrasonography allows us to examine the reproductive tract of donors and recipients cows which enables us to make better decisions on the use of super-ovulatory treatments and timing for synchronization protocols. Ultrasonography also makes a recipient program more efficient by allowing us to re-implant or re-synchronize recipients at sooner intervals after the last implant.
​Fertility Assessments
Pregnancy Diagnosis & Staging (28-30 days to Term)
Fetal Sexing (Gender Determination) from ~65 to 90 days

Other services include:
Frozen Semen Evaluations
Breeding Soundness Evaluations
Consulting and Training in Bovine Reproduction and Embryo Transplants