Cattle Embryo Transplants, In-Vivo, IVF and International Embryo Sales

Welcome to the Bova-Tech website. Our export certified facility is located North of Cochrane, Alberta, Canada. We offer in-clinic or on-farm bovine embryo collection, freezing and transplants, production of embryos for sale and/or export purposes, in-vivo (flushing), IVF (in-vitro fertilization, international sales and shipping, donor care, recipient programs, ultrasonography, semen/breeding soundness evaluation collection & freezing, cryopreservation and embryo storage.
Website updated December 9th, 2024
New matings added to the 2024 catalogue along with two exciting new donors and sires! Our embryo catalogue includes Black Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, Wagyu and now Speckle Park.
October 2024 Newsletter has been delivered to subscribed emails and is also available on the newsletters section of the BTL website!
We now offer financing through iFinance (Petcard). If you are looking to purchase some embryos or have an IVF or Conventional Flush performed and funds are short we can help.
Due to global cost increases of supplies and services BTL services price lists are subject to change. Contact us for an updated price list, new price list in effect September 1, 2024.
Flushing or embryo collections can be performed every 30 to 60 days depending on the donor cow, with an average yield of 6 to 7 viable embryos per flush, but a wide range of results can be expected.
On-Farm Flushing
BTL will send you all the necessary drugs, and provide detailed instructions for their use to insure the best possible results.
Cows will be flushed on farm via the BTL Export Certified Mobile Lab.
Our services are available anywhere in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
In-Clinic Flushing
Clients can set up and inseminate donor cows on-farm and bring them to the center for the embryo recovery process.
Donor cows can be housed at the BTL center for all super-ovulatory treatments and artificial inseminations. Embryos recovered from the donor cow(s) can be transferred fresh to synchronized recipients or they can be frozen for transfer at a later date.
We can transfer fresh or frozen embryos as required; the synchronization protocols for recipient females are simple and easy to follow allowing you to keep recipients on-farm if you wish.
We can also transfer your frozen embryos in any of the recipients from our cooperative herds. Your embryos will be transferred into recipients and can be purchased as weaned calves or as 60-day pregnant recipients.
OPU - Ovum Pick-Up. Using an ultrasound guided needle oocytes (eggs) are removed from the ovaries of a super-stimulated donor cow.
IVM - In-Vitro Maturation. Once oocytes are located under the microscope they are placed in Maturation Media for 24 hours which simulates the process of ovulation where the oocyte normally undergoes the maturation process readying the egg for fertilization.
IVF - In-Vitro Fertilization. 1 million sperm is added to one dish of oocytes. One straw can be used to fertilize 3-5 dishes of oocytes which maximizes the yield of expensive semen.
IVC - In-Vitro Culture. The final step where the fertilized oocytes grow when placed in the culture medium and kept in incubators until evaluated for embryo quality and stage of growth. At the end of the culture period embryos are either frozen or implanted fresh.
Numerous embryos are marketed and exported every year by Bova-Tech Ltd. We work in cooperation with our clients creating joint contracts, promoting embryos for some of the best “Elite” cows in the breed. The response to this program has been very positive throughout the years, increasing the embryo sales for some outstanding producers in Canada.
Bova-Tech Ltd. is pleased to add Owners Use Only (OWS) semen collection and freezing. Collecting semen on hot new or proven prospects is now as easy as booking an appointment with BTL with our brand new state-of-the-art semen collection equipment.
This value-added service is ideal for incorporating artificial insemination into your program and is like having an insurance plan preserving the genetics of that bull for future usage in the event he is sold, dies, becomes incapable of natural service, or his testicles degenerate.

The Bova-Tech facility is located at 42128 Township Road 272, Rocky View County, 10 minutes North of Cochrane, Alberta at the 2 Horse Ranch.
Directions from Cochrane, head North for 12 kilometers on Highway 22, then turn left (West) on Township 272, follow for 1 kilometer and turn right (North) at signpost 42128 and follow the driveway for 900 meters. The office is located in the large barn.
Bova-Tech is conveniently located 30 minutes West of Alta Genetics Inc.; the biggest bovine semen collection center in Western Canada. This location facilitates the ability to ship embryos domestically or internationally.

Monday: 8:00am-4:30pm
Tuesday: 8:00am-4:30pm
Wednesday: 8:00am-4:30pm
Thursday: 8:00am-4:30pm
Friday: 8:00am-4:30pm
Weekends - by appointment